5 July 2024

Pool for networking activities


To support the development of the active networks that are established within and in connection with the interdisciplinary initiative Future Prevention & Health.

This includes supporting development activities that develop the network's research idea into a concrete research project and which can create greater potential for external funding.

Target group

The active networks that are part of the initiative Future Prevention & Health.


DKK 115,000 in total. Pools of mainly DKK 20,000, but up to DKK 50,000 in special cases.


  • The application meets the requirements for format and content as described.
  • That researchers at SCIENCE are a core part of the network.

Requirements for the format and content of the application

  • Brief summary of the activity for which funding is being applied for, as well as an assessment of the effect of this activity.
  • Brief summary of the network and research idea.
  • Overview of those involved and chair of the network.
  • Description of what funding is being applied for, including:
    • Description of the content of the activity.
    • Description of the impact of the activity.
    • Estimated price for the execution of the activity.
    • Time and duration of the activity.
  • The application should be no more than two pages.

Examples of activities for which funding can be applied for

  • Operation of small-scale (pilot) experiments or data collections, which can serve as proof-of-concept.
  • Workshop in a 12.00-12.00 format for network and project development.
  • Other types of network activities.
  • No funds are available for payment of salaries.

Prioritisation of applications

If the received applications exceed the total amount available in the pool, priority will be given to applications that are deemed to have the greatest potential to support the development of interdisciplinary and innovative initiatives.

Application deadline

The pool is open for applications from 4 July to 16 September 2024 at 12.00.

Granting of funding

Decisions on the allocation of funds are made by the Associate Dean for Innovation and External Relations Jesper Wengel on the basis of recommendations from the steering committee (Nikolai Baastrup Nordsborg, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Theis Lange, Department of Public Health, Anna Haldrup, Department of Food Science).

Use of allocated funds

Allocated funds must be used in 2024.


The pool is managed by the SCIENCE Secretariat, Communication and Policy and SCIENCE Finance.


Senior Consultant Nele Høgsbro: nele.hoegsbro@science.ku.dk, tel. 3532 2602 / 2295 6504.
